OG Record Label

Experience the ultimate music industry support with our professional Record Label Services

Our Services

Music Publishing

Our Music Publishing & Administration services ensure that you receive the royalties and recognition you deserve as a musician.

Music Mangagement

We provide expert guidance and support to help you achieve your goals and reach new heights in your music career.

Sync Licensing/OG Catalog

Unlock new revenue streams and gain exposure for your music with our Synch Licensing services, tailored to fit your unique needs.

OG Record Label

Record Label

OG Publishing & Distribution offers premium Record Label Services to artists and musicians seeking to elevate their careers to new heights. Our team of experienced professionals provide comprehensive support throughout every stage of the music production and distribution process, from recording and mastering to marketing and promotion.

We believe that every artist has a unique voice and story to share with the world, and our services are tailored to help them do just that.

Music Publishing & Administration

OG Publishing & Distribution offers comprehensive Music Publishing & Administration services to help artists maximize their potential and receive the recognition and compensation they deserve. Our team of  works closely with artists to ensure that their music is properly registered, licensed, and distributed to generate revenue and build their brand.

Our Music Publishing services cover all aspects of music publishing, including copyright registration, songwriting splits, and licensing agreements. We help artists secure placements in film, TV, commercials, and other media platforms, providing them with new and lucrative revenue streams.

Sync Licensing

We offers customized Sync Licensing services to help artists unlock new revenue streams and gain exposure for their music. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with artists to identify and secure opportunities to synchronize their music with film, TV, commercials, video games, and other media platforms.

Our Synch Licensing services include comprehensive music clearance, negotiation, and licensing services. We work with artists to develop customized strategies to maximize the value of their music catalog and secure the best possible licensing deals. Our team also manages all aspects of the synchronization process, including licensing agreements, cue sheets, and royalty collections.



New Opportunities In Sync

With the advent of new platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime, there has never been more opportunities out there for independent artists to have their music licensed.


Worldwide Exposure?

Not only is it a lucrative revenue stream for songwriters, it also is a great way to gain exposure for your music to new fans around the world.

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Any Questions!