OG Book coaching
and editng

Our team of experienced coaches and editors offers a range of services to help you bring your book to life and ensure that it's the best it can be.

Who We Are

Our team takes great pride in having the finest editors in the industry! We have joined forces with Mosaic Masterminds, a diverse collective of exceptional educators committed to delivering high-quality writing services. With extensive expertise in personalized instruction and proficiency in more than six languages, our staff possesses the necessary tools to produce effective and unique content while maintaining the highest literary standards. Our successful strategies and skilled personnel have resulted in a prominent position in the fields of literature and entertainment.

Our services


Book Coaching

Our book coaching services provide one-on-one support and guidance throughout the writing process. Whether you’re struggling to get started, stuck in the middle, or need help with finishing touches, our experienced coaches can help. We work closely with you to identify your goals, provide feedback on your writing, and help you develop a plan to complete your book.

Elite Editing

Our book editing services are designed to help you refine your writing and ensure that your book is of the highest quality. We offer developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading services to help you improve your writing, clarify your message, and eliminate errors. Our editors are experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in a range of genres and writing styles.

Learn About Our Publications

Book Coaching & Editing


At our book coaching and editing services, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and bring your book to life. We understand that every writer is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. We are passionate about books and believe that every writer has a story to tell.

Service Details

Our book editing services are designed to help authors polish their manuscripts and prepare them for publication. We offer a range of editing services, including copyediting, line editing, and developmental editing, to ensure that the final manuscript is error-free, engaging, and ready to be read by a wider audience. Our editors are experienced professionals who understand the craft of writing and are committed to helping authors achieve their vision.

We also offer additional book editing services, including:

  • Manuscript evaluation: We can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your manuscript, including feedback on plot, structure, pacing, and character development, to help you identify areas for improvement and refine your storytelling.

  • Query letter and book proposal editing: We can help you craft a compelling query letter and book proposal that will capture the attention of literary agents and publishers.

  • Book formatting and design: We can help you format your manuscript for publication and create a visually appealing design that captures the spirit of your book.

At our book coaching & editing service, we are committed to helping authors achieve their goals and reach their full potential as writers. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality coaching and editing services that meet your specific needs and preferences.

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Any Questions!